MAMP stands for M – Mac OS, A – Apache Server, M – MySql, P – PHP. WAMP stands for W – Windows, A – Apache Server, M – MySql, P – PHP. XAMPP stands for X – cross-platform, A – Apache Server, M – MySql, P – PHP, P – Perl. So, we can install either of XAMPP or WAMP or MAMP or LAMP which comes with all these required components. But, installing these 3 components individually will give a lot of headaches to you. To run WordPress locally, we need three things Apache, MySql and PHP installed to your computer. Local Server must be set up at first, before starting the installation of WordPress. Step 1: Set up Local Server (XAMPP, WAMP, MAMP, LAMP) Let’s follow these step-by-step guide to install WordPress successfully on your computer. Download WordPress 3. Create a Database 4. Run Installation and fill the details as asked Set up Local Server (XAMPP, WAMP, MAMP, LAMP) 2.
Let’s take the overview of steps to install WordPress locally. Then, in future, it will work as a backup, in case if you lost your data from the live server.Īfter knowing some of the advantages of having WordPress locally on your computer. Generally, if you have the habit of adding posts and other contents to your local server first and later copy these contents to live server. It could work as a back up for your live server too.So, that it saves you from making your embarrassing mistakes live. It could make your development and customization easier to preview.You could test any themes and plugin to witness how do these elements perform on your live sites. It is great for learning and testing purposes.Step 4: Run Installation and fill the details as askedĪdvantages of installing WordPress locally.Step 1: Set up Local Server (XAMPP, WAMP, MAMP, LAMP).Advantages of installing WordPress locally.